
The Best Life Insurance Options for 2024 in the USA


How Much Does a Life Insurance Policy Cost?

Term life insurance costs an average of $207 a year for a 30-year-old woman for a 20-year, $500,000 term life insurance policy, based on the companies in our analysis. For a male buyer the same age, the same policy costs an average of $251 a year.


A whole life insurance policy costs an average of $3,945 a year for a 30-year-old woman with $500,000 coverage. For a male buyer the same age, the same policy costs an average of $4,375 a year.

The cost of life insurance varies by the policy type, company and your age, health, gender, amount of coverage and other factors.

In a world of uncertainties, one thing remains constant: the importance of securing your family’s financial future. Life insurance stands as a beacon of financial security, offering a safety net for your loved ones in times of need. As we step into 2024, the landscape of life insurance in the USA has evolved, presenting a plethora of options tailored to meet diverse needs and preferences. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the best life insurance options for 2024, equipping you with the knowledge to make informed decisions about protecting what matters most.

1. Term Life Insurance:

For those seeking straightforward coverage at an affordable price, term life insurance continues to be a popular choice. With term lengths ranging from 10 to 30 years, policyholders can select coverage that aligns with their specific needs, whether it be paying off a mortgage, funding a child’s education, or replacing lost income. In 2024, insurers have introduced innovative features to enhance the appeal of term life policies, such as accelerated underwriting processes and customizable riders for added protection. With competitive premiums and flexibility, term life insurance remains a cornerstone of financial planning for many Americans.

2. Whole Life Insurance:

While term life insurance provides coverage for a specified period, whole life insurance offers lifelong protection coupled with a cash value component. In 2024, whole life policies have adapted to meet the evolving needs of consumers, offering increased flexibility in premium payments, potential for higher cash value growth, and enhanced death benefit options. Additionally, some insurers have introduced innovative riders that allow policyholders to access a portion of their death benefit in the event of chronic or terminal illness, providing valuable financial support when it’s needed most. Despite higher premiums compared to term life insurance, the guarantees and long-term benefits of whole life policies make them an attractive option for those seeking stability and wealth accumulation.

3. Universal Life Insurance:

Universal life insurance bridges the gap between term and whole life policies, offering flexibility in premium payments and death benefit options. In 2024, insurers have introduced new indexed universal life (IUL) products that link cash value growth to the performance of stock market indexes, providing the potential for higher returns while mitigating downside risk. These innovative IUL policies offer policyholders the opportunity to participate in market gains without exposing them to market volatility, making them an attractive option for those seeking growth potential coupled with downside protection. Additionally, universal life policies offer the flexibility to adjust coverage and premiums as financial needs change over time, providing a customizable solution for individuals and families alike.

4. Variable Life Insurance:

For the more investment-savvy individuals, variable life insurance offers the opportunity to allocate cash value into a variety of investment options such as stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. In 2024, insurers have expanded the range of investment options available within variable life policies, providing greater flexibility and control over investment strategy. While variable life insurance offers the potential for higher returns compared to other types of life insurance, it also carries greater risk due to market fluctuations. As such, variable life policies are best suited for those with a higher risk tolerance and a long-term investment horizon. With careful planning and oversight, variable life insurance can serve as a powerful tool for wealth accumulation and legacy planning.

5. Simplified Issue and Guaranteed Issue Policies:

For individuals who may have difficulty qualifying for traditional life insurance due to health concerns or other factors, simplified issue and guaranteed issue policies offer a solution. In 2024, insurers have streamlined the underwriting process for these policies, allowing for quicker approval and coverage issuance. While simplified issue policies require applicants to answer a few health-related questions, guaranteed issue policies do not require any medical underwriting, making them accessible to individuals with pre-existing conditions. While premiums for these policies may be higher compared to traditional life insurance, they provide a valuable option for those who may otherwise be uninsurable.


As we navigate the complexities of life in 2024, the importance of securing adequate life insurance coverage cannot be overstated. Whether you’re seeking affordable protection for a specific period or lifelong security coupled with wealth accumulation, there’s a life insurance option to suit your needs. By staying informed about the evolving landscape of life insurance in the USA and consulting with a licensed insurance professional, you can make confident decisions to safeguard your family’s financial future. Remember, the best time to secure life insurance is now—don’t wait until it’s too late. Invest in peace of mind and ensure that your loved ones are protected no matter what the future may hold.


To find the best life insurance companies, we term life and permanent life insurance for each company. Our evaluation was based on the following.

Dollar IconTerm life insurance rates (50% score): We used term life insurance rates for healthy buyers ages 30 and 40 for policies for 10, 20 and 30 years. The coverage amounts analyzed were $250,000, $500,000, $1 million and $2 million. Source: Forbes Advisor research.
Healthy IconFinancial strength (10% of score): This measure incorporates the insurer’s financial strength ratings from four major ratings agencies: AM Best, Fitch, Moody’s and Standard and Poor’s. Financial strength is particularly important when you’re relying on a company’s ability to pay claims many decades from now.
Money IconCost competitiveness of cash value policies (10% of score): This measures the level of premiums and internal policy charges, including the cost of insurance, fixed administration expenses and cash value-based wrap fees.
Document IconReliability of policy illustrations (10% of score): This factor measures the reliability over time of the company’s illustrations for its permanent life insurance products. When you plan to be holding on to a policy for decades and counting on cash value to accumulate, you want an illustration that’s accurate.
Growth Graph IconHistorical performance (10% of score): This measures whether the historical performance of the company’s investments that fuel cash value growth is superior to other companies’ comparable products.
Money IconAccess to cash value (10% of score): This measure evaluates the liquidity of cash value and a policyholder’s access to it. Some policies will build cash value better in the early years, and with other companies you may be waiting several years before you have meaningful cash value within a policy. Generally speaking, the higher the liquidity, particularly in early policy years, the better—but some insurers charge more for greater liquidity, so consider the possible tradeoff.

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